Glass Generation by ONIMUS
-improve visibility / hydrophobic effect /reduce upcoming watermark
Glass Generation is new gen glass coating. Applied glass given ability of hydrobhopic effect. With proper maintainance, the effect can last up to 12 months. In addition, Glass Generation also help to reduce water mark arise from glass.
-membantu pengelihatan / effect hydrophobic / memperlambat timbulnya kerak kaca
Glass Generation adalah coating kaca generasi baru. Kaca yang sudah diterapkan akan mendapat effect hydrophobic. Dengan perawatan yang benar, effect bisa bertahan selama 12 bulan. Selain itu, Glass Generation membantu untuk memperlambat timbulnya kerak di kaca.
Inside kit / Dalam dus :
1. Instruction
2. Glass Generation Solution.
3. Soft Microfiber
4. Glass cloth
5. Applicator
6. Sticker glass generation
Directions / Pemakaian :
1. Clean glass water marks using Onimus Glass Polishing Gel / other brand before use.
Bersihkan jamur kaca dengan Onimus Glass Polishing Gel / merk lain sebelum di gunakan.
2. Cover pad using synthetic cloth, then pour GLASS GENERATION on top.
Bungkus busa dengan kain synthetic, lalu tuangkan GLASS GENERATION di atasnya.
3.Coat evenly glass surface using vertical and horizontal motion.
Lapisi permukaan kaca secara merata menggunakan gerakan vertikal dan horizontal.
4. Wait for 60 second then wipe it of using microfibre cloth
Tunggu 60 detik dan bersihkan menggunakan kain microfiber
5. Repeat the process 2x
Ulangi proses 2 kali
Note :
For maximum result, do not wet glass under 3 hours after application
Untuk hasil yang maximum, jangan membasahi kaca di bawah 3 jam.