Onimus Interior Protector 250ml
Onimus Interior Protection helps restore faded dashboard and prevent crack. It can also be used to maintain household items such as leather sofa, plastic chair, wooden furniture, and etc.
Onimus Interior Protection membantu mengembalikan dashboard kusam dan mencegah keretakan. Bisa dipakai untuk menjaga perabotan rumah seperti sofa kulit, kursi plastik, furniture kayu, dll.
Directions / Pemakaian :
1. Shake well before use.
Kocok sebelum dipakai.
2. Spray Onimus Interior Protector on the surface needed to maintain.
Semprotkan Onimus Interior Protector di permukaan yang perlu dijaga.
3. Wiper the surface with dry microfiber cloth.
Lap permukaan dengan kain microfiber kering.
4. Repeat the process for maximal result.
Ulangi pemakaian untuk hasil yang maximal.
Kode barang : N006
Barcode : 8997019580833
Netto : 250ml